Tom’s Day英语作文
在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的`有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是小编为大家收集的Tom’s Day英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。
Tom’s Day英语作文 篇1
Tom gets up at twenty to seven every day.He goes to school at a quarter past seven after breakfast.He has classes at eight.He has lunch at twelve at home.In the afternoon,he sings songs with classmates at half past three.
He helps old people and gets water for them at twenty past four in the afternoon.He goes home at a quarter to six.He does his homework at five to eight.He goes to bed at nine thirty.
Tom’s Day英语作文 篇2
Tom gets up at 8 o'clock every day,and gets to school as soon as possible.He usually has English class at half past eight.He often eats lunch and has some rest at 12 o'clock.
At 1 o'clock in the afternoon,he has two classes.The classes are PE and History.He leaves school at 3 o'clock in the afternoon,and he has a lot of time to do sports after school ends.
Tom’s Day英语作文 篇3
It is a flat weekend.
As always,I was woken up by my mom in the morning." Tom,you get up and dress quickly.Up! Get up! Now!" My mom shouted.Then,my sweet dream was interrupted by her and got up with reluctance.
I ate a hurried breakfast and began to do my homework.I always have a lot of homework from my teachers and my parents.I used to do it quickly to get time for fun.But that would have a lot of faults in my homework and let teachers and parents punish me with more homework.
Besides lunch and supper,I have been sitting at my desk to finish my homework.
Finally,I finnished my homework at ten in the evening.My mom pushed me nearby with her same words," Tom,come on,go to bed or you will be late tomorrow."